you free tonight, or will it cost me?“, I will never forget sitting at the bar
on a Friday night hearing the guy next to me ask me this.
this is just one example for many bad, bad pick up lines I have heard.
really wonder if that has ever worked out. It´s like “Yes dude, it might cost
you your balls if you don´t get a move on fast“.
in the world happened to those men that actually put some effort into it?
other day I had lunch at Panera Bread (so yummy) and I was sitting there with
my aunt and her two daughters, when this guy walks up to the table, looks at me
and says “I just have to tell you, that I think you are very beautiful“. Aww,
now that took some balls, to stand in front of four women in the middle of a
restaurant and say that. Ok, I´ll admit this time all he got out of it was a
“That is sweet, thank you so much“, but I am sure that could work out for him
in the future.
people has changed over the years. Just like everything else, we do it online.
Awesome isn´t it? You can meet your future husband while you are sitting on
your couch. You don´t even have to leave the house anymore and you can still
meet 10, 20, 30 guys a week.
is it really that great?
is a dating website for every taste, age, preference out there. First you got to give them details about
yourself. How old, race, gender, relationship status (hello, I hope you are
single), where do you live, interests, kids, no kids, how do you look, are you
educated, do you smoke (oh, oh I´m out) and the list goes on and on. Then after
you talked about yourself it is all about what you are you looking for. Same
shit different gender.
you get a list of people that would just be a perfect match for you. Yay, Brad,
36, works in marketing, makes 120 k a year, likes dogs and the outdoors, no
kids, never married and luckily a variety of about 6 pictures to look at.
is that really how I want to fall in love?
just say you go to dinner with Brad, because he is just such a good match. WTF
are we going to talk about? I don´t need to ask any questions, because your
internet dating profile already tells me everything I need to know and the online
program that matched us said we are going to have a great, happy life together
so let´s get on it.
don´t want to date a male version of myself, I want somebody who can show me a
new world, a different way of living, I want somebody I can have some real
arguments with, because we are not always of the same opinion. Everything else
is just a little too boring and predictable for my taste.
even if you decide not to do the online dating thing, then there is still a
bunch of other social media like Facebook for instance.
there you are with your average 500 something friends and not the slightest
intention to meet anybody new here. But when you check your inbox, there they
are, complete strangers saying “Hello“, “Hey“, “Hi“, followed by “Hi
beautiful“, “Hello pretty lady“. Maybe it´s me, but why would you do that? If
you are going to send a complete stranger a message on Facebook, could you at
least come up with more than two words. What do you think women are going to
write back? “Hi handsome, so happy somebody finally found me“?
I gotta give it to you guys, there are men that come up with more than two
words. Like “Hi, I looked at your profile and you are very beautiful“. Oh, this
is exciting you actually have a whole line to read. Still the same meaning as
“Hi beautiful“ but at least this guy took the time to build a sentence. That is
why these guys are also known as the “copy/paste men“. Coming up with these
words took a good amount of work so you can´t really expect them to come up
with something new for every girl.
last but not least my favorite , the “pokers“ (no, this is not really a word).
These guys don´t have anything to say at all, but that is ok because they will
just “poke“ you.
you shitting me? If you would see me walking down the street or dancing in a
club, would you just come over and poke me to get my attention? I don´t think
so. Truth is 99% of the men that contact you on the internet would not have the
balls to actually initiate any kind of contact if they would see you in real
get me wrong, sure there are some nice guys out there, that you can go have
dinner with, or date, or spend the rest of your life with even though you met them
online, but most of the time it is not very sexy.
you really that lonely, that you have to go looking for somebody? I mean why
not enjoy being single till you just happen to meet somebody. Those poor souls on
the internet that are desperately trying to find somebody are almost as sad to
watch as the guys that run back to one of their long time exes, just because
they need somebody around, and theses women welcome them back with open arms
after years of being separated because they are just as desperate.
to think about it, maybe that guy in the bar wasn´t so bad after all...
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